Rotator Cuff Injury Exercises

Rotator Cuff Tear

Are you experiencing shoulder pain? Maybe you've been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury and possibly even a tear. Or maybe you've just been experiencing a pain in your shoulder that you were hoping would just go away but it hasn't yet. What are your options? Is there a way to naturally heal your rotator cuff? Here are some shoulder injury exercises and tips that, when performed a certain way, can help you heal your shoulder... hopefully without surgery or other intrusive methods.

Truro Therapeutic Massage

Improve circulation
Because the shoulder/rotator cuff is a series of small muscles and tendons it receives very little blood supply. Strengthening and stretching exercises increase circulation which promotes healing. Other ways to improve blood flow are through applying heat and massage.

Dealing with pain
Icing will help with the pain, especially right before bedtime. 20-30 minute sessions, as many times per day as needed.

Strengthening exercises
The rotator cuff is a complex series of small muscles, tendons and bones. These muscles respond best to higher reps and lower weight. Reps should be higher... in the 12-15 rep range to start. As your shoulder gets stronger, eventually the reps can reach the 20-25 rep range.

Instead of trying to explain these exercises, I suggest visiting this web site that has many clear pictures and good descriptions of each exercise. You can find them at

Get on a proper healing program
The good news is yes, you can heal your shoulder if you follow the proper rotator cuff injury exercises. But randomly performing a set of exercises from the internet without the detailed instruction of an expert in shoulder rehabilitation will probably make your injury worse. It's important that these exercises are performed in a specific way and a specific order depending on the extent of your injury.


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